

Milano, Italia
Tipologia: Allestimenti
Luogo: Milano, Italia
Anno: 2015
Cliente: self
Fase: Concept
Team: SdARCH Office
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FeedMiExpo is a collection of pictures from websites and real life. It wants to connect People, Spaces, Life from the site of origin of the food, trough harvesing and transportation, with the site of the fruition in Milan, Italy, site of the Expo 2015.
#feedMIExpo wants to tell short tales in 3 images to remember to everyone how much is involved the planet in feeding a part of the world, how many faces these food had seen, how is the travel of the food before teh arrival on the city user kitchen.

Each #Expo2015 Country is listed in this page with a food, but also some Countries excluded by the Expo exposition are included, to remember that a lot of resources are feeding us, but the  resources scarcity of some countries is never shown enough.


Altre Informazioni :

SdARCH Trivelli&Associati rimane a disposizione per eventuali diritti sui materiali iconografici utilizzati e non individuati.
