
“Green Light” Biblioteca Pubblica di Stoccolma

Stockholm, Sweden
Type: Public Buildings
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2006
Client: Privato
Surface: 32.000 m²
Phase: Competition
SdARCH Trivelli&Associati
Redesco srl Ing. Mauro Giuliani
A Library is the place of the memory of the present and the past that is transmitted through material supports, it is the place of the immateriality: dynamic flows of the space and the time that cross with continuity the places of the culture and the society. The plan wants to represent the continuity, to contain it with the relationship  between the physical elements of the city and the immaterial elements of the nature, of the environment and climate. The building establishes one strong relation with the surroundings giving back to the city its original relation with the hill and the park.
Thanks to the reunion of the annexes in one building, the New Library becomes an entity that has its focus in the Asplund Building. The reading of the new architectonic space can be interpreted  with the dynamic of  movement and pause, with the perception of the changing of the space according to the climatic and lightning conditions, and to the relationship between inside and outside mediated from the skin of the building.


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